Taking off my wristwatch is an old habit one that started in the 6th grade. There was a dress code for dance class. Hair was in a bun with a hair net gelled back no loess end and absolutely no bangs or hair in faces. Pink tights and black leotards, with pink ballet shoes or point shoes. Or if it was modern class black tights rolled up to my knees. There was also no jewelry or panted nails so every day I got in to the habit of taking of my watch and putting it in my tennis shoe so I would not forget it as I ran to math class after dance. It became a ritual a habit that was just apart of whom I am. My very first dance class at Hollins I was in the dressing room and I asked what the dress code was and the other women all older than me just smiled and said there wasn’t one. It funny how habits die hard I had to wean my self in to being comfortable dancing with out the leotard and tights. First by warring trouser on top of my tights and leotard than I started warring a shirt over as well, till finely I was confidant dancing in clothing similar to what people would wear to a yoga class. I also cut bangs in to my hair for the first time my senior year. Now you really would have to pay me to put a leotard back on. Taking off the watch and putting it in my shoe has stuck how ever. It’s the dance class habit from six grad that has stuck.
I realized this on Wednesday when I took off my watch and stuck it in my shoe as I walked in to the pro dance class I take with Maiden Voyage Dance Company. Taking off my watch is practical yes, it does mean I will not scratch up the flour and not wearing it makes it essayer to move. It also means I let go of time for that hour and a half I not checking to see how much time is left or if its getting close to when I need to get on the bus all that matters is the class. I try to dance as best I can and let go of schedule and list of earned that have to get done. I also try to let go of every thing that came before and the harder one for me right now the future. Inside I try to dance in the present I try to find a flow where all that matters is the sequences of movements where the hold world would be crashing around me but all I know is the dancing.
I have four weeks lefts working at Garnerville and Good-bye have already begun. I was given one of the nicest goody byes from my students at the primary school. And we had are final dance class together. Thursday was my last after schools club and today I am have a party get together for the group of dancer I have been working with at church. I’m trying to take of the wristwatch. Trying to give the people I have worked with my completely present when I am with them. I will not lie it hard it so hard. I am fearful of the future not knowing is scary not knowing what I will be doing who I will be near is stressful. How ever I have not been forgotten. I have loved the people and places I have worked with this year and even thou I do have to think about time I have to fill out job applications. And think about health insurance and how to pay the bills. I am going to do my best to take off my wristwatch and be present with my Belfast family.
This moth I traveled to London with Andy and his friend Katie we had a great time. I took professionals drop in class at the places contemporary school of dance. We went to museums and slaw a couple of shows including Henry the IV at the Shakespeare glob.
I do have some very exacting things to look forward to as well my Family is coming very soon in 4 weeks! My parent and my brothers are coming over and I can’t wait to share with them the places and people I have grown to love. We are also going to travel and spend time with good friends in Scotland. Than I get to fly to the states and see Meredith and Rachel and that moment when I give them each a hug and probably cry like a baby can not get hear fast enough.