Friday, February 26, 2010


My work here never cesses to be filled with verity. February is one really good example of verity.

On the 14th I lead worship. I wrote out the lituray and prayers. The theme of the Sunday was "God at work" so God in the work places. I fond out some cool things. For exmaple the word vocation means a calling. I like thinking about work as a calling. Maybe our job is not so different from out vocation if we are called to work weather reuality, Nursing, or accounting what does that mean? God goes with us every where we go not just to church or Bible study but work as well and we need to rember God in or work places. I also thought a lot about gossip how we threat the people we work with. I gave a children's sermmon using "is it nice, is it true, is it nessery" the idea being before you speak about some one else go throw your head is what I am saying kind? is it really true, do I know for a fact that so and so has gained 10 pounds? is it nessery do I need to be saying this at all? will it help someone? will it better lives by talking about a person in this way? I used tooth past to show that we can't take the things we say back like tooth pasest words once they are out they will not fit back in the tube. I thought a lot about people who can't find work. Lots of my friends who just finsed school can't find jobs in there feild and men and woman who have worked for years have lost there jobs becoues of the "credit crunch" as they call it here in Belfast.

I have also lead 2 of Gernville's all age worship times. We try to have the first part of the serces when kids are still in the room be a time that reaches every one. So the 1st Sunday of the month is a worship time together, 2nd a traddishnal object lesion or childern's talk. 3rd is dance/drama/ multisensory. 4th is other or any of the above. I used a beanie baby to talk about how God loves us just as childerns love there favourite stuffed animal. When they are lost there whole world stops till they are found. God loves us when we are dirty and have holes and are broken, and if we are in the washer getting a fresh start he will wait next to the maushen untill we are clean. For the presybteran weman sunday last week I build a Gernville maushen I had different member come up and make a movement and a nose they had to conect to the person in front of them. At the end they all did there movement one after the other. I used lots of different people from different groups in the church to talk about the body of Christ and how we need lots of kind of people to make a church work just like a meshean has lots of different parts.

This month I have been helping the choir get ready for a big concert in March. I also have started working at the school more on Fridays. I teach dance class to the preschool students in the moring lead a trust and insctive games with older kids (these are group building games I would us at camp) in the afternoon I teach dance to the P1 than have my usale dance class after school. I am also teaching a dance class onces a month in the commuinty center. I still go to all of my regler things Bowling, Childsplay and friendly club are in full swing (last week I was the entertament at friendly club so I did some reading). Also GB is geting ready for there big display so I have writen a play and am making a dance for them. One Big project I have been working on the last few month is a Sunday school teachers training day (it is tomrrow) I have been working together with the youth worker at another church. I am nervies about it but I love the Gernville techers and I hope it shows how much I aperchat them and that I just want to suport them way I am here.

Earlier in the month the YAVs and I had one of our retreats we went to the beach for a day on the west cost of Ireland. We also went in to Derry and herd a lot about the troubles there and how the people lived during that time we looked at murals that have been painted in an artistic responses to that time. We also drove a long the noth cost we stopped at the Giants causeway. It was a refusing time. A time to share storeys with friends, and rest as well as learn and grow. the pics are from that trip