Saturday, November 21, 2009

Girls Brigade

Well there is not really any thing like what is commonly known as GB in the states. The closest thing would be girl scouts. It a christen organization I have add a brief history from there web site.

The Girls’ Brigade was formed in July 1965 by the union of 3 organisations ...
The Girls’ Brigade (formed in Ireland in 1893)
The Girls’ Guildry(formed in Scotland in 1900)
The Girls’ Life Brigade(formed in England in 1902)
All 3 organisations were designed to provide weekday activities for members of Sunday Schools and Churches. As these 3 organisations grew and developed they extending into many countries around the world.

In 1965, the 3 organisations merged to form the Girls’ Brigade as we know it today, now operating in 61 countries and islands around the world. Apart of my job and weekly routine is being a leader of the 241st company ant Garnerville. I have to say I have never been apart of any thing like it other than the few times I went to Newton’s on Ayr’s GB in Scotland a few years age. The girls and leaders where uniforms; and have two big formal events a year. The enrolment ceremony and end of year display, at the display they get badges they earned. On a Tuesday the explores come first there are 6 of them they are aged 4 to around 8. We colour, dance some, play traffic lights, duck duck gooses. Some times they do projects like back biscuits (cookies) or paint. Than the older Girls come I am in charger of teaching scripter’s to the Jrs they are aged 8 to 10. I love this I lead a very similar Bible study to ones I would lead at camp. We play games that help lead us in discussion after the stories and I like the girls. I also am helping get a play and a dance together for there big end of the year display. We start getting ready for that after Christmas.

Last Sunday was our enrolment serves. Peter asked me to help him plan the serves which was really exciting. We used the idea of a cloud of witness that yes the girls are members of the GB but that they are apart of a huge support network that God gives us. We had the girls do an egg on the spoon races up and down the aisles and each side of the church was to cheer a team on. This was to show that there are lots of people cheering us on where we are wining or losing. Peter lead that then I gave a message on three woman who are apart of our cloud of witnesses. I read a story on St Brigit, Harriet Tubman and last I ask one of or church member Evelyn to answer a few questions for me. Evelyn did so well and the girls sang there song really well.

I was also given a leaders uniform on Sunday I have never worn a uniform before and I was unsure about it. But the gift of the uniform made me feel as if I was apart of something. And now on a Tuesday I have a polo with my initials monogrammed on it as a reminder that I am also a member of the cloud of witness God has given me at Garnerville.

Love, Patricia

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fit me in Somewhere

Today I got letters from kids in the WOW (Worship on Wednesday) at First Presbyterian Church in Lake City, FL Also this week I got a beautiful card from the Love circle at my home church St. Andrews. The Love cercal has always been kind to me they sent me cards the whole time I was at Hollins. I was so excited to seen one slip throw my letter box. I also have gotten letters from my family, Sally teased me about the existents of a Halloween card. Also some of my close friends have send amazing care packages filled with every thing from instant Irish accent spray to spelt pretzels my new favourite snack food. (Wheat free)

Each letter and email and face book note has been I reminder that I am in no way alone. When I first stood at the front of St Andrews and said that I was going to N. Ireland. I had no idea that some many people would stand behind me. You all are the biggest part of this Journey. That is way I am very sorry I have not been keeping up with my blog post. So I am going to do a series of them this week.

For the first I would like to talk about the N. Ireland YAVs fall retreat. All ten of us pilled in to the Garnerville mini bus, and drove the 3 hours to Donegal Ireland. It was my first time in southern Ireland (the part that is not Britain). We stayed in a house of Lack Elis next to the blue stack mountains. It felt a little bet like Hollins which made me feel at home.

During the retreat we did many things for the most part we just enjoyed the company of each other, because we are so spared out that we really don’t see each other that often. One day we went on a hike up pilgrims path. We also visited the little town of Donegal and took a trip to a very cold beach.

One of my favourite parts of the trip was that each of the four house was asked to lead a worship why we where there. This was my favourite because so many people are so musical talented it turned into a jamming sessions. I even lead a few songs. Below is a poem I read. Sally and I based our worship time around it.

Fit me In Somewhere
By Gerard Kelly

Fit me in somewhere

In this giant jigsaw, God,
Somewhere in this work of art
You’re working,
Select a space my shape can fill
And with a puzzle maker’s skill
Let my contours find their fit without contortion.

Teach me which patch I am, God,
In the cosmic quilt you’re quilting.
Show me where my square of selfhood is of use.
Let the colourful complexities
Of the pattern that is me
Find their purpose in the placement that you choose.

Show me my position, God,
in this group photograph.
Stand me where you want me to stand.
Put me next to whom you will.
Make me stand, for good or ill,
Precisely in the place your plan demands.

Tell me what I am, God
in this body you are building:
a tongue to taste,
a nerve to serve,
an ear to hear.
Give me grace
to not be, gracefully,
the parts I am not called to be
and to play with elegance
the roles I’m given.

Fit me in somewhere
In the gint jigsaw, God,
Somewhere in this work of art you’re working.
Weave your wondrous tapestry
Until the twisted, tangled threads of me,
Surrendered to your artistry,
Form an image that is beautiful to see.

I like the idea that we are all just peaces in a puzzle and we all have some where we fit. And we can fit with out changing our selves. I also like knowing that we are not meant to do every thing. Some times we will not be cast. But there is still a part for us. We just have to keep auditions till we find our part in the play.

Love Patricia

P.S. next blog coming soon on the girls barraged, to be followed by a blog on SN@G youth group.